Sunday, March 9, 2008

Finding Self: Space and Place in YA Literature

Course to be offered soon....

Welcome to the class blog site for a new high school literature course to be offered in Madison, WI in the 2008-09 academic year. Bookmark us!

This will be a place for the instructor, students, and other interested participants to post, comment, and exchange ideas about Young Adult literature focusing on the spaces and places we negotiate in our lives. Now, space and place doesn't just mean physical or geographical for our class. We are including the psychological, emotional, institutional, academic, economic, gendered, historical, ideological, etc. into our forum of analysis. The key term is "negotiation." What must we understand, battle, create, endure, etc. to make us able to survive in our own skins?

Remember, this is a new class. It's an experiment. We'll make a lot of mistakes. That will make it fun and interesting.

And......away we go!